What Kind of Mom Does That?
June 30, 2022 It all started with a traffic jam in LA. I was 21 years old and was working at a Christian camp in the Angeles National...
Patients Only
July 31, 2021 I recently had my first mammogram. It wasn’t as uncomfortable as I feared it would be. I had some nerves going into it, but...
That Starfish Story
January 10, 2021 Hello, friend. I’m writing this today because I believe there is someone who needs to hear it. I may never know who you...
August 22, 2020 I struggle with discontentment. There are so many things about my life that I cannot change, and I often find myself...
Arise Women's Ministry: The First Meeting
July 26, 2020 The peace that passes all understanding. That’s what I felt after meeting Darla for the first time. On May 15, 2020, God...
Arise Women's Ministry: The Beginning
June 9, 2020 She knew it was God speaking to her. He had said something to her the day before, and it surprised her. So now she was alone...
My People
May 12, 2020 As I approached my car, dog in tow, I felt my pockets for my keys...and felt nothing. I felt all my pockets. Nothing. Panic...
Red Ryder BB Gun
January 11, 2020 She was all I wanted this Christmas. A fluffy little bundle of energy with one blue eye and one brown eye. Our new...
A Letter To My Daughter On Her 13th Birthday
September 8, 2019 My girl, Today you turn 13. 13 years ago I saw your face for the first time, and every day since, you have been my...
June 30, 2019 I used to watch my mom’s mouth as she read to us from books like The Secret Garden, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,...