Tune My Heart
November 7, 2016
“Come thou fount of
Every blessing
Tune my heart to
Sing Thy grace”
This is the first line of a hymn written by Robert Robinson. This weekend I heard Shauna Niequist speak on The Belong Tour. She said she has this one line on the wall of her home: “Tune my heart to sing Thy grace.”
She said an instrument needs to be tuned every day because it inevitably slips out of tune as the day goes on. So it is with our hearts. Each morning we need to tune our hearts once again to the love of Christ. We need to pause and dwell in the peace that comes from knowing His presence. We need to tell God we love Him. We need to read His word, which is the most beautiful love letter. We need to allow Him to speak His purpose and His dreams into our lives. He will breathe hope again, day after day.
Seth bought new guitar strings yesterday, and as I overheard him tuning the guitar, I was reminded of Shauna’s words. Every morning, with each new dawn, I commit to tune my heart to sing His grace. I will start my day with Him. He will change my heart every day to be more like His.
He is so beautiful. Thank You, Jesus, for setting my heart right with You again each day.
Here is my favorite version of the song.